T&D News - September 8th, 2022

Doctors for Queen Elizabeth II say they are concerned about her health.  A spokesperson for Buckingham Palace has released a statement saying, "Following further evaluation this morning, The Queen's doctors are concerned for Her Majesty's health and have recommended she remain under medical supervision."  READ MORE.

Ozzy has given us an update on his heath says that following a life altering operation on his neck he still has mobility issues, but he’s feeling much better than he had been. His new album 'Patient Number 9' comes out tomorrow and he’ll be performing at halftime tonight during the NFL season opener between the Rams and Bills. READ MORE.

Some pictures are circulating the internet of Mt. Rainier appearing to ‘vent’. There were some clouds hovering above the volcano that made people worried that it may be about to erupt. But according to US Geological Survey, the formation above the mountain is just a cloud and nothing to worry about.

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