TD&L Dog of the Week: Poptart

Her name is Poptart Poptart - Oregon Humane Society She’s a beautiful 9 month old, 52 pound, shepard/hound mix and is a very good girl. And she has a video!

Poptart is a graduate of our Behavior Modification Program and is looking for a special home. Poptart is a very sweet puppy that wants nothing more than to crawl into your lap for snuggles! She adores humans, and pretty much loves nothing more in this world than human attention and affection—to the point where she will take head scratches over treats! She is always down to cuddle and will melt into a puddle next to you.

She loves squeaky toys and getting adorable puppy zoomies! She also loves puzzle games and any kind of enrichment activities. She’s a sucker for a game of flirt pole (which you can see in her video). Her friends in BMod tell me that she is wonderful office dog! She frequently joins staff in their OHS offices, happily sitting on her dog bed, playing with toys, or chewing on a Kong. She could make a great office companion for someone who works from home!

Poptart had a very isolated start to her life, where she missed out on critical puppy socialization and positive experiences with the world around her. She can meet new experiences with avoidance and fear, as the unknown can be very intimidating for a dog. At OHS, we’ve had great success using tasty treats and praise to help change Poptart’s feelings towards these new experiences into something more positive. Future adopters will need to be ready to continue using positive reinforcement-based training methods to continue making progress with Poptart’s confidence building.

During her time at OHS, Poptart has shown that she does not like the company of other dogs and will need to be the only dog in the home. She and her siblings used to compete for resources like food and water in her last home, and because of this she finds meeting new dogs overwhelming. Poptart will not be a dog that enjoys dog parks, dog daycares, or play dates with other dogs. She will, however, love being someone’s one and only dog to go with on adventures, to cuddle up for a Netflix marathon, and to go for long luxurious sniffing walks! Poptart loves the company of all humans and enjoys smelling new people or receiving pets.

Being an outside dog for the first six months of her life, living indoors and potty training are very new concepts for her. Poptart will have accidents indoors if left unattended, simply because she doesn’t fully understand that we expect her to potty outside. We’ve had success with Poptart’s potty training by being proactive with her; keeping a close eye on her, taking her out frequently, and rewarding her with high value treats when she does potty outside. Future adopters will need to have the time and patience to work with Poptart’s potty training while she’s transitioning to life in their home.

Poptart really wants a human buddy/buddies! She would love to be someone’s ride or die, bff, attached at the hip, peanut butter to someone’s jelly, small spoon, and milkshake with two straws type of girl. She has the darlingest house elf ears, her eyeliner is always on point, and she grins when she is happy!

If you think you and Poptart will be a match, fill out the questionnaire in the profile and someone from the behavior team will give you a call.  Adoptions are a little different for OHS dogs in this program. BMod adoptions always start with a phone consult. This allows us to understand what our clients are looking for in their next pet dog and help match them with the best dog for their lifestyle. From there, we like to have them meet with the dog multiple times (usually over the course of several days to a week), before taking them home. Having the clients meet with the dog multiple times allow for them to see the full range of the dog’s behavior and for us to transfer the training to the client prior to adoption. We really want our dogs and clients to be successful in the home, so post-adoption we check in with them, offer support, resources, and training!

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