Rock Report: June 27th, 2018

Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails Accuses Kanye of Ripping Him Off

While in an interview with BBC Music 6, Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails has accused both Kanye and The Weeknd of ripping of his performance style. After describing the work he puts into his shows he commented that "I saw Kanye West blatantly rip off, and The Weeknd rip off, our tours, production-wise, which I’ll say without any hesitation. And they know."

Go Behind The Scenes of Metallica's WorldWired Tour

Metallica is deep in their WorldWired tour and Germany’s Mothergrid has released a behind the scenes video of what goes into the stage production. The four part series shows you everything from how sound is designed to the lighting and the visuals.

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