Lars Ulrich Immortalized By Metallica 'Super Fan' As ... A Toilet

A heavy metal musician and visual artist from Tampa is saying goodbye to the toilet he sculpted to look like Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich, which is now headed to Denmark to be put on display at the Ripley's Believe It or Not! museum there.

Prince Midnight donated the Ulrich-themed privy this week to Ripley Entertainment, which plans to ship it to the "odditorium" in Copenhagen, where it will go on permanent display.

Ulrich was born in Denmark and spent much of his early childhood there before moving to California. He's maintained close ties with his nation of origin as an adult and Rock and Roll Hall of Famer.

While it's easy to interpret the Ulrich toilet as an insult, Midnight insists that it is a genuine tribute to one of the co-founders of the most successful heavy metal band in history.

"This toilet was built by a Metallica super fan," he told the Tampa Bay Times. "They wrote the first songs that meant something to me."

Midnight's tribute toilet is fully-functional and was even briefly installed in the restroom of a local bar and music venue in Tampa called the Brass Mug. He says he chose to depict Ulrich in toilet form simply because he's a drummer and, as such, is "usually depicted sitting."

"I could have done a urinal with [frontman] James [Hetfield]," he added, "but that's not where the creative spirit was leading me."

Midnight also made headlines last year with a guitar called the 'Skelecaster,' which he claims was fashioned from bones from his late-uncle's skeleton. While Ripley's was not interested in getting into the Skelecaster business, the company appreciates the humor of the Ulrich loo and agreed to display it at its Copenhagen museum.

A Ripley Entertainment spokesperson added that it will be featured in the Copenhagen museum's gallery, "not the bathroom."

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