Money is a huge life stresser. It can cause a lot of anxiety on how much debt you have, how long it'll take you to pay off, and even if you don't have debt, paying bills in general can weigh heavy on your conscious. .
WalletHub conducted a study to see which states rank the highest and lowest in terms of credit card debt, and bad news for those of us in the Pacific Northwest, both Oregon and Washington rank in the top ten.
While conducting the study they looked into the average amount of debt each person has, how long it takes to pay off, and how much extra you are spending in order to pay off that borrowed cash.
Oregon ranks in at number six with the median credit card debt racking up to $2,641 with it taking a little less than 15 months for Oregon residents to pay off. Washington makes it into the top 5, clocking in at number four with $2,880 being the median and it taking just a little over 15 months for the average person to pay off.
Do you stress about credit card debt, or are you in the clear?
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