Spiked seltzer waters, specifically from brand White Claw, have been the drink of choice for most of Summer 2019. Tons of these brands have been popping up on shelves from brands we already know and love.
The newest company to get in on the spiked seltzer game is PBR. Most of these drinks have an ABV of about 4.5-5.5%, where PBR announced their version would be 8%! Most people who go for spiked seltzer tend to do it for the lower calorie count, about 100 for most drinks, but PBR isn't following the same rules. Their spiked seltzer has a higher ABV then their competitors, but also has over double the calories, clocking in at a little higher than 220 per can.
According to INSIDER, the drink will only be available in select stores in Arizona, Montana, California, and Texas.
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