Tanner, Drew, & Laura

Tanner, Drew, & Laura

Tanner, Drew, & Laura - mornings on 105.9 The Brew in Portland, Oregon! We will get into your head and you will like it.Full Bio


Model Reveals She's Been Single For Years As Guys Are “Too scared” To Ask

Celine Centino is gorgeous…just ask her! The Instagram influencer and model has spent over $27K to perfect her good looks, but it’s come at a price. Now, she says she’s spent over seven years as a single woman because guys are “too scared” to approach her. Centino says it’s “cute” when guys are nervous talking to her, but over time they realize she’s “nice” and they relax. As far as what kind of guy she’s looking for, she says she doesn’t have a “type”…they just have to be “funny” and taller than her (and being open to your lady showing her wares all over the Internet doesn’t hurt). The floor is yours, guys.

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