Filming on Bill Murray’s upcoming movie “Being Mortal” has been suspended after a complaint was reportedly filed specifically against the actor, alleging “inappropriate behavior.” At first production was just temporarily halted but now it looks like filming has been ceased indefinitely. READ MORE.
The FAA is revoking a pilot's certificate after he crashed a plane in California. The agency found he did it on purpose last year just to get more views on YouTube. It was all caught on video, showing Trevor Jacob parachuting out of his plane as it plummets into a mountainside. He claimed engine failure but the FAA says it's obvious the crash was staged. The report says Jacob then recovered the wreckage and got rid of evidence. READ MORE.
Two pilots are hoping to make history this weekend by swapping planes at 14-thousand feet in the air. They'll actually put the planes in a nosedive close together and then get out in mid-air and switch, before landing. The two men are cousins and experienced skydivers. The stunt will stream live Sunday on Hulu. READ MORE.