Stan Lee, the beloved co-creator of Spider-Man, Avengers and Hulk who died in 2018, is returning to Marvel Studios. Marvel has signed a 20-year deal with Stan Lee Universe, a venture between Genius Brands International and POW! Entertainment, to license the name and likeness of Lee for use in future feature films and television productions, as well as Disney theme parks, various “experiences” and merchandising. READ MORE.
We’ve been hearing a lot about the guy with no flying experience who landed that plane last week, but what about the pilot who passed out mid-flight? He suffered a pretty serious cardiac event. After they landed he was taken to the hospital where he had to undergo surgery for an aortic dissection. Thankfully he made it through and doctors are calling his recovery ‘miraculous.’ READ MORE.
Ford is asking the owners of 350,000 vehicles to take them to dealers for repairs in three recalls, including about 39,000 that should be parked outdoors because the engines can catch fire. This effects some 2021 Ford Expedition and Lincoln Navigator SUVs and according to Ford, fires can happen even while the engines are off. It’s recommending that the SUVs be parked away from buildings. READ MORE.
Carmen Elektra turned 50 last month is the latest celebrity to join OnlyFans. Her profile launches Wednesday and will include beauty tutorials, vacation content, swimwear and lingerie photos. She said sharing content with her fans without someone telling her what to do was a no brainer. READ MORE.