Rest in Peace Kirstie Alley, her family announced yesterday that the actress passed away after a private battle with cancer which they had only just recently discovered. She became a household name as Rebecca Howe on "Cheers" from 1987-1993. She was 71. READ MORE.
The idea of flying cars is nothing new but now it seems that they may become a reality sooner than expected. Alef Aeronautics is developing a vehicle that will be able to take off into the air vertically and fly like a helicopter up to 110 miles on a single charge and they plan to start delivering them to customers by 2025. They’ll cost $300,000 and you can pay just $150 to get on the waiting list. READ MORE.
The likely new owner of “The Goonies” house, is a fan of the classic movie and he promises to preserve and protect the landmark. He says he plans to rebuild the contraption to get in the front gate but says “no one gets in unless they do the truffle shuffle”. The deal is expected to close in mid-January. The house was listed for sale at $1.65 million. It sold for higher than asking and they have a full backup offer. READ MORE.