The fourth installment of John Wick was supposed to be the last, but a fifth installment may be back on the table after John Wick 4 dominated the domestic box office making $73.5m in it's opening weekend. READ MORE.
A company in Australia that makes lab-grown meat just unveiled the first woolly mammoth meatball. They took mammoth DNA, and used elephant DNA to fill in any gaps. Then they cultured the meat in a lab until they had enough for one giant meatball. They're not planning to sell woolly mammoth meat. In fact they’re not even letting anyone try it because it's a protein we haven't eaten for thousands of years. So they're worried about how bodies would react. READ MORE.
If you find yourself downtown Portland in the near future, be on the lookout for rogue forklifts. Portland police arrested a man downtown yesterday afternoon after a 911 call reported seeing him drive a stolen forklift while “driving erratically and chasing pedestrians”.